वैदेशिक रोजगार वचतपत्र-२०८६ (क) निष्काशन सम्बन्धी सूचना
ब्राजिल ट्रान्जिट हुँदै तेश्रो मुलुक जान चाहने नेपाली यात्रीका लागि नयाँ नियम सम्बन्धमा हालै ब्राजिलको साउपाउलो बिमानास्थलको ट्रान्जिट इलाकामा नेपाली सहित करिब ७०० विदेशीहरू रोकिएको भन्ने समाचार प्रति यस दूतावासको ध्यानाकर्षण भएको छ । ट्रान्जिटमा रहेका सबै १७६ जना नेपाली नागरिकहरु सकुशल रहेका छन् र आवश्यकता अनुसार निजहरुलार्इ मानवीय सहायता पुर्याउन दूतावास तयारी अवस्थामा रहेको छ । दक्षिण अमेरिकाका ब्राजिल
The delegation led by the Chairperson of the Public Service Commission commences visit of Brazil Hon’ble Mr. Madhav Prasad Regmi, Chairperson of the Public Service Commission of Nepal, arrived in Brasilia, the capital city of Brazil, yesterday, leading a high-level delegation of the Commission. The delegation is comprised of the Hon’ble Member Mr. Madhav Belbase, Hon’ble Member Mr. Bir
यस राजदूतावासबाट गैरआवासीय नेपाली संघ, चिलीको सहयोगमा सान्टियागोमा यही २७ मार्च र ३० मार्च २०२४ मा राहदानी तथा कन्सुलर घुम्ती शिविर संचालन हुन गैरहेकोले सम्बन्धित सबैको जानकारीका लागि यो सूचना प्रकाशित गरिएको छ । सम्पर्कः नेपाली राजदूतावासका प्रथम सचिव श्री बाबुराम सिग्द्याल +55 61 8423-4475 गैरआवासीय नेपाली संघ, चिलीका अध्यक्ष श्री नवीन शिर्खाकार +56 9 8786 2457; वरिष्ट उपाध्यक्ष श्री
Press Release on the Opening of ExpoNepal 2024 in Brasilia
This is to notify all the concerned that Mr. Babu Ram Sigdyal, Deputy Chief of Mission/First Secretary, has been designated as the Information Officer of the Embassy. His contact details are as follows: Tel: +55 61 98423-4475 (Mobile) Email: embaixadanepal@gmail.com
On 20 September 2023, the Embassy of Nepal in Brasilia, Brazil organised a special function to mark the Constitution Day and the National Day of Nepal. Speaking on the occasion, Ambassador of Nepal to Brazil Mr. Nirmal Raj Kafle highlighted the major achievements made by Nepal since the promulgation of the Constitution in 2015. Ambassador Kafle spoke about the efforts
Press Release Ambassador Nirmal Raj Kafle presented his Letters of Credence to His Excellency Mr. Alberto Ángel Fernández, President of the Argentine Republic, as non-resident Ambassador of Nepal. Presenting the credentials at a special ceremony held in Buenos Aires, Ambassador Kafle conveyed best wishes from the Rt. Hon. President and the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister of Nepal to President Fernández
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